Refund and Returns Policy
At AviPlus, we are committed to providing high-quality products. If you receive a product that is defective or damaged, we will accept returns under the following conditions:
Eligibility for Return: Returns are accepted only for products that are defective, damaged during shipping, or do not meet the specifications described at the time of purchase. All return requests must be made within 14 days of receiving the product.
Proof of Defect: In order to process a return, you must provide clear evidence of the defect or damage, such as photos or a detailed description. We may require you to return the product for inspection before a refund or replacement is issued.
Return Process: To initiate a return, please contact our customer service team at [insert contact email] with your order number and details of the issue. We will provide instructions on how to return the product.
Non-Returnable Items: Custom-made, personalized, or special order items cannot be returned unless they are defective or damaged upon arrival.
Refunds: If your return is accepted, we will issue a refund or send a replacement product based on your preference. Refunds will be processed to the original payment method.
Shipping Costs: The customer is responsible for return shipping costs unless the item was defective or damaged upon arrival. In such cases, AviPlus will cover the return shipping fees.
Exceptions: We do not accept returns for products that have been used or altered in any way that affects their condition.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding our return policy, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Your satisfaction is our priority, and we will work to resolve any issues promptly.